71501 - Introduction to EntomologyHU Credits: 2 | 1st degree (Bachelor)
Whether you admire the vibrant beauty of butterflies, appreciate bees for their honey, or dislike pesky mosquitoes, insects are an undeniable part of our world. With an astonishing 1.4 billion insects for every human, they are among the most ubiquitous organisms on the planet. This course offers a comprehensive introduction to insect biology, covering their anatomy, physiology, ecological interactions, and their profound connections to humans. |
71528 - Insect PhysiologyHU Credits: 2 | 1st degree (Bachelor) | prerequisite 71501
This course follows the development of insects from egg to adulthood and describes how these organisms respond to their environment by means of morphological and physiological adaptations. The course will draw from classical as well as recent insect research integrating molecular biology, biochemistry and cellular biology. Particular emphasis will be given to the senses. When relevant, physiological features between insects and vertebrates will be contrasted. |
71506 - Introduction Entomology LabHU Credit: 1 | 1st degree (Bachelor)
Get acquainted with the morphology and anatomy of the insect body and learn about the main insect groups. We will learn about the adaptations of a variety of insects and their ability to live in different environments; adaptations related to nutrition, movement, and reproduction. |
71132 - Biology of ChemosensationHU Credit: 2 | 2nd degree (Master)
Chemosensation is an ancient sense used by vertebrates and invertebrates to detect chemical signals as a means to communicate and navigate. These organisms, which belong to distinct evolutionary lineages use similar as well as distinct adaptations to solve the problem of detecting chemical cues. We will review the molecular players, neural mechanisms and dysfunctions involved with olfaction and taste. Using specific case studies belonging to different animal phyla, we will discuss how this knowledge can be used to solve global problems in the fields of agriculture, medicine and veterinary science. |
71218 - Neurobiotechnology LabHU Credit: 2 | 1st degree (Bachelor) – With Prof. Yael Heifetz
The Nature and Nurture of Sexual Selection What is the respective role of genes and the environment in shaping animal behavior? This course will explore this question from the standpoint of sexual orientation in the vinegar fly Drosophila melanogaster. The decision for a male to court a female seems to be an obvious process that only requires the meeting of both genders. Yet, this stereotypical behavior is governed by a fascinating gendered neural circuit. During this course, students will compare the natural and deviant sexual orientations of male flies by observing male courtship. They will combine the use of genotyping and histology to determine the genetic and neurological bases of this behavior. Last, they will test how social context affects this decision process. This course will not only expose students to state of the art laboratory techniques, it will highlight how genetics and neural circuitry (nature) can be tuned by social conditions (nurture). |